Disclaimer: This page was last updated 6/29/2022. Provided guides and old tests are compiled with the intention of creating a unified resource with easy accessibility: these have been passed down throughout the years. However, keep in mind that since the Class of 2022, there have been significant curriculum changes: thus, be cognizant that the changes and our provided resources may not align perfectly.
STILL: without a doubt, resources like UWorld, First Aid, Pathoma, OnlineMedEd, and SketchyMedical provide unparalleled assistance in helping you succeed on your USMLE Step 1.
For Year 3, resources like UWorld for Step 2 CK, practice NBMEs, DeVirgilio's Surgery textbook, Dr. Pestana's Surgery Notes, BRS books, Case Files, Onlinemeded, BoardVitals.com are fantastic. There is a podcast called "Divine Intervention Podcasts" that also provides good review for shelf exams and Step 2. But just like Year 1 and Year 2, you must curtail studying to your preference: case vignettes, practice questions, textbook-style resources, etc...
Want to contribute and help future students? Please contact us (last modified 2022)
What is...
Gold Humanism Honor Society: Supported by the Arnold P. Gold Foundation, the national society seeks to elevate the values of humanism and professionalism within the field of medicine by recognizing the attributes of the humanist physician — compassion, trustworthiness, altruism, reliability, and the commitment to keeping patients as the first priority. The organization honors senior medical students, residents, role-model physician-teachers and others recognized for "demonstrated excellence in clinical care, leadership, compassion and dedication to service."
AOA: Alpha Omega Alpha is the national medical academic honor society. Students are eligible for election to AOA at the end of Year II and Year III. Membership is limited to the top 16% of each graduating class. Membership selection criteria are determined by the national governing board of AOA.